Prussian inscription of 13 cent.: Kaīls Rikīs, tū ni jāu labs assei tēwelīs, ik kwāi tū pūtun, ni kwāi tū penningan dātun.
Personal pronouns
Personal pronouns, verb “to be”, numerals
as – i
tū – you (singular)
tāns – he
tenā – she
tennan – it
mes – we
jūs – you (plural)
tenēi – they (masc, neutral)
tennas – they (fem)
as ASMA – i AM
tū ASSEI – you ARE (singular)
tāns AST– he IS
tenā AST – she IS
tennan AST – it IS
mes ASMAI – we ARE
jūs ASTEI – you ARE (plural)
tenēi AST – they ARE (masc, neutral)
tennas AST – they ARE (fem)
3. STA AST … – This is …/these are… (singular nominative – plural nominative)
Sta ast zigzdā “This is sand” – Sta ast zigzdas “These are sands”
Sta ast zālis “This is grass” – Sta ast zāljai “These are grasses”
Sta ast pippelis “This is bird” – Sta ast pippeljai “These are birds”
Sta ast zukkauniks “This is fisherman” – Sta ast zukkaunikai “These are fishermen”
Sta ast stabs “This is stone” – Sta ast stabāi “These are stones”
4. TURĪTUN… “TO HAVE…”, WIDĀTUN… “TO SEE…” (singular accusative, plural accusative)
Zigzdā: As turri zigzdan “i have sand” – As turri zigzdans “i have sands”
Zigzdā: Tū wīda zigzdan “you see sand” – Tū wīda zigzdans “you see sands”
Zālis: Tāns turri zāljan “he has grass” – Tāns turri zāljans “he has grasses”
Zālis: Mes wīdimai zāljan “we see grass” – Mes wīdimai zāljans “we see zāljans”
Stabs: Tenēi wīda stabban “they see stone” – Tenēi wīda stabbans “they see stones”
Pippelis: Tenā wīda pippeljan “She sees bird” – Tenā wīda pippeljans “She sees birds”
As TURRI stabban “i have stone”
Tū TURRI stabban “you have stone” (singular)
Tāns TURRI stabban “he has stone”
Tenā TURRI stabban “she has stone”
Tennan TURRI stabban “it has stone”
Mes TURRIMAI stabban “we have stone”
Jūs TURRITEI stabban “you have stone” (plural)
Tenēi TURRI stabban “they have stone” (masc., neutr)
Tennas TURRI stabban “they have stone” (fem.)
5. GĪRBJAI – NUMBERS (nominative, accusative)
1 – aīns: Sta ast aīns stabs “This is one stone” – As wīda aīnan stabban “i see one stone”.
2 – dwāi: Sta ast dwāi stabāi “These are two stones” – As wīda dwāi stabbans “i see two stones“.
3 – trīs: Sta ast trīs stabāi “These are three stones” – As wīda trins stabbans “i see three stones”.
4 – ketturjai: Sta ast ketturjai stabāi “These are four stones” – As wīda ketturjans stabbans “i see four stones”.
5 – pēnkjai: Sta ast pēnkjai stabāi “These are five stones” – As wīda pēnkjans stabbans “i see five stones”.
6 – ussjai: Sta ast ussjai stabāi “These are six stones” – As wīda ussjans stabbans “i see six stones”.
7 – septinnjai: Sta ast septinnjai stabāi “These are seven stones” – As wīda septinnjans stabbans “i see seven stones”.
8 – astōnjai: Sta ast astōnjai stabāi “These ast eight stones” – As wīda astōnjans stabbans “i see eight stones”.
9 – newīnjai: Sta ast newīnjai stabāi “These are nine stones” – As wīda newīnjans stabbans “i see nine stones”.
10 – dessimts: Sta ast dessimts stabāi “These are ten stones” – As wīda dessimtin stabbans “i see ten stones”.
4 a – ĒSTUN “to EAT”, PŪTUN “to drink”, food, nominative, accusative
Video with English titles: food, products, to eat, to drink, to have
geīts: Sta ast geīts “This is bread” – As ēma geītin “i eat bread”.
as ēma geītin “i eat bread”
tū ēsei geītin “you eat bread” (singular)
tāns ēst geītin “he eats bread”
tenā ēst geītin “she eats bread”
tennan ēst geītin “it eats bread”
mes ēmai geītin “we eat bread”
jūs ēstei geītin “you eat bread” (plural)
Tenēi ēst geītin “they eat bread” (masc., neutr)
Tennas ēst geītin “they eat bread” (fem.)
daddan “milk”
pūtun “to drink”
Sta ast daddan “This is milk” – As pūja daddan “i drink milk”
As pūja daddan “i drink milk”
Tū pūja daddan “you drink milk” (singular)
Tāns pūja daddan “he drinks milk”
Tenā pūja daddan “she drinks milk”
Tennan pūja daddan “it drinks milk”
Mes pūjimai daddan “we drink milk”
Jūs pūjitei daddan “you drink milk” (plural)
Tenēi pūja daddan “they drink milk” (masc., neutr.)
Tennas pūja daddan “they drink milk” (fem.)
anktan “butter”: Sta ast anktan “This is butter” – As turri anktan “i have butter”.
sūris “cheese”: Sta ast sūris “This is cheese” – As turri sūrjan “i have cheese”.
bulwi “potatoe”: Sta ast bulwi “This is potatoe” – As turri bulwin “i have potatoe”.
tējs “tea”: Sta ast tējs “This is tea” – As turri tējan “I have tea”.
pīws “beer”: Sta ast pīws “This is beer” – As turri pīwan “I have beer”.
5. Prepositions, WIDĀTUN “to see”, AZZARAN “lake”
Video with English titles: lake, to see
azzaran “lake”: Sta ast azzaran / azarāi“This is lake / lakes” – As wīda azzaran / azzarans “i see lake / lakes“.
debīks “big”: Sta ast debīkan azzaran “This is big lake” – As wīda debīkan azzaran “i see big lake”.
undan “watter”: Sta ast undan “This is water” – As wīda undan “i see water“.
upjan “cloud”: Sta ast uppjan / upjāi “This is cloud / clouds” – As wīda uppjan / uppjans “i see cloud / clouds”.
krānts “shore”: Sta ast krānts / krantāi “This is shore / shores” – As wīda krāntan / krāntans “i see shore / shores”.
zuks “fish”: Sta ast zuks / zukkai “This is fish / fishes” – As wīda zukkan / zukkans “i see fish / fishes”.
wētra “wind”: Sta ast wētra / wētras “This is wind / winds” – As wīda wētran / wētrans “i see wind / winds”.
bangā “wave”: Sta ast bangā / bāngas “This is wave / waves” – As wīda bāngan / bāngans “i see wave / waves”.
līkuts “small”: Sta ast līkuta bangā “This is small wave”. Sta ast līkutas bāngas “These are small waves” – As wīda līkutan bāngan “i see small wave”. As wīda līkutans bāngans “i see small waves”.
aldī “boat”: Sta ast aldī “This is boat”. Sta ast āldjas “These are boats” – As wīda āldjan “i see boat”. As wīda āldjans “i see boats”.
NA + accusative case “on”: lāisks lānza na stallan “book lies on the table”.
EN “in, to, into, inside”:
1) en + dative case “in, inside”: plūtwei en azzaru “to float/swim in the lake”, widātun en dāngu “to see in the sky”, buwīntwei en mēstu “to live in town”.
2) en + accusative case “into, to” (direction): sāktwei en azzaran “to jump into the lake”, skītwei en dāngun “to rise to the sky”, jātwei en mēstan “to go to town”.
EZZE “about, from”:
1) ezze + accusative case “about”: gērbtun ezze naseīljans “to tell about ghosts”
2) ezze + dative case “from”: ezze Mēmelei ērgi Ēlbingan ast 200 kilōmetrai “from Memel to Elbing is 200 km“, jātwei ezze gārbu sen slajjan “to go down hill on sled“, pagaūtun ezze wangai “to begin from the end“, ezze stessei dēinai ērgi teinū “from that day up to now”.
IZ + accusative case “from”: izjātwei iz mēstan “depart from town/ to leave town“, iz pastippan Prūsan “from all Prussia“, wētra dumja iz jūrjan “wind blows from the sea”.
KĪRSA + accusative case “above, over”: kīrsa azzaran ast dāngs “over the lake is the sky”.
PĒR “for, behind”:
1) per + accusative case “for”: dīnkun per pagalban! “thanks for help”, sta ast pēr men “it is for me”.
2) per + accusative case “behind”: per gārban ast azzaran “behind the hill is a lake”.
PREI + accusative case “at, by, beside (near)”: kāims ast prei jūrjan “village is by the sea”, aldī plūja prei krāntan “boat goes by the bank”.
PRA + accusative case “through”: jātwei pra meddjan “to go through forest”.
PA “under, along”:
1) pa + dative case “under”: Katta sīnda pa stallu “Cat sits under the table”.
2) pa + accusative case “along, down”: Mes plūjimai pa appin “we are boating down the river”.
3) pa + accusative “according to, after”: Pa zinānikas presnans… “according to scientist’s opinion… “.
Conversation phrases
Conversational phrases from 2:18
Kaīls! – Hi! Hello!
Kaīls pas kaīls, aīns per āntran! – A healthy one after a healthy one, one after another! (a drinking toast)
Kaīls ankstāinai! – Good morning!
Labban dēinan! – Good day! (Hello)
Labban bētan! – Good evening!
Labban naktin! – Good night!
Deiwūtiskan! – Bye! Good luck!
Dīnkun! – Thanks!
Debīkan dīnkun! – Thanks a lot!
Madlimai! – You are welcome!
Kāigi tebbei ēit? – How are you?
Labban! – Fine! Good!
Etwinūis! – Sorry! (singular). Etwinūiti! – Sorry! (plural)
Kasse paggan? – Why?
Stesse paggan. – That’s why, therfore
As asma prūss. – I am a Prussian.
Tū assei prūss. – You are a Prussian. (singular)
Tāns ast prūss. – He is a Prussian.
Tenā ast prūsisni. – She is a Prussian.
Mes asmai prūsai. – We are Prussians.
Jūs astei prūsai. – You are Prussians. (plural)
Tenēi ast prūsai. – They are Prussians (masc.)
Tennas ast prūsinjas. – They are Prussians (fem.)
0:07 Numbers. 0:25 Greetings and phrases
Phrases from 0:25:
Kaīls pergūbusis! – Welcome! (plural)
Kaīls pergūbusjas! – Welcome! (plural, fem.)
Kaīls pergūbuns! – Welcome! (sing., masc.)
Kaīls pergūbusi! – Welcome! (sing. fem.)
Kaīls! – Hi! Hello!
Kaīls ankstāinai! – Good morning!
Labban dēinan! – Good day! (Hello)
Labban bētan! – Good evening!
Labban naktin! – Good night!
Ērdiw! – Bye!
Deiwūtiskan! – Bye! Good luck!
Kāigi tebbei ēit? – How are you?
Labban! – Fine! Good!
Mennei ēit labbai, adder tebbei? – I am good and you?
Dīnkun! – Thanks!
Debīkan dīnkun! – Thanks a lot!
Wārai ni bēimai widāwusis si. – Long time no see.
Kāigi tū assei bilīts? – What’s your name? (for man)
Kāigi tū assei bilitā? – What’s your name? (for woman)
As asma bilīts Ēirims. / Majs emmens ast Ēirims. – My name is Ēirims. (man)
As asma bilitā Lāima. / Majs emmens ast Lāima. – My name is Lāima. (woman)
Šin azzaran ast bilītan Swentan. – This lake is called Swentan. (neutral gender)
Iskwendau tū assei? – Where are you from?
As asma iz Mēmelin. – I am from Memel.
Ennimumni ast sēn ten erzinātun si! – Pleased to meet you!
Kaīls pas kaīls, aīns per āntran! – A healthy one after a healthy one, one after another! (a drinking toast)
Kaīls rikīs! Tū ni jāu labs assei tēwelīs – Hello, Sir! You are not more a good uncle
ik kwāi tū pūtwei, ni kwāi tū penningan dātwei! – if you want to drink, not want to give money!
Ainā smittuka ni segēi wassaran. – One swallow doesn’t make summer.
As rikīs, tū rikīs – kas wīrst pāsuns skjāurins. – I am a lord, you are a lord – who will hog down.
Dēiws dāst dāntins, dēiws dāst geītin. – God gives teeth, god gives bread.
Gaīlas rānkas – kirsnā geīts, kīrsnas rānkas – gailā geīts. – White hands – black bread, black heads – white bread.
Grammar tables
6.1 NOUN
wīrs “man, husband”
Nom wīrs “man”
Gen wīras “of man”
Dat wīru “to/for man”
Acc wīran “[to have/to see] man”
Nom wīrai “men”
Gen wīran “of men”
Dat wīramans “to/for men”
Acc wīrans “[to have/to see] men”
prāglis “kindling-wood”
Nom prāglis “kindling-wood”
Gen prāgljas “of kindling-wood”
Dat prāglju “to/for kindling-wood”
Acc prāgljan “[to have/to see] kindling-wood”
Nom pragljāi “kindling-woods”
Gen prāgljan “of kindling-woods”
Dat pragljammans “to/for kindling-woods”
Acc prāgljans “[to have/to see] kindling-woods”
dāngs “sky, heaven”
Nom dāngs
Gen dāngus
Dat dāngu
Acc dāngun
Nom dāngus
Gen dāngun
Dat dangummans
Acc dānguns
genā “woman, wife”
Nom genā “woman”
Gen gennas “of woman”
Dat gennai “to/for woman”
Acc gennan “[to have/to see] woman”
Nom gennas “women”
Gen gennan “of women”
Dat genāmans “to/for women”
Acc gennans “[to have/to see] women”
nakts “night”
Nom nakts “night”
Gen naktis “of night”
Dat naktei “to/for night”
Acc naktin “[to have/to see] night”
Nom naktis “nights”
Gen naktin “of nights”
Dat naktimans “to/for nights”
Acc naktins “[to have/to see] nights”
mēstan “town, city”
Nom mēstan “town”
Gen mēstas “of town”
Dat mēstu “to/for town”
Acc mēstan “[to have/to see] town”
Nom mestāi “towns”
Gen mēstan “of towns”
Dat mestammans “to/for towns”
Acc mēstans “[to have/to see] towns”
pannu “fire”
Nom pannu
Gen pannus
Dat pannu
Acc pannu
Nom pannu
Gen pannus
Dat pannu
Acc pannu